The biggest mistakes in desk sharing software
If one of the following points applies to your solution or project, it should be critically examined
The solution is an isolated solution which cannot be integrated with other systems such as the Intranet or the Active Directory (company personnel directory), or can only be integrated with difficulty
The desk sharing software has no interfaces to adjacent systems (e.g. Intranet), or has an insufficient number thereof
Important information is missing in the desk sharing software and cannot be configured (equipment features, barrier-free etc.)
The software solution cannot be connected to an incident management system
The occupancy plan is not up-to-date, or the reservation list cannot be maintained in an easy and efficient way
The booking function is complex, and important attributes within the context of the reservation are missing
The master data is incomplete, because the system is not connected to the corporate directory
The solution does not provide a facility for integrating hardware components such as kiosk systems, door signs etc.
Access to the workstations cannot be restricted depending on the user group, for example
When reserving or when selecting possible workplaces, no parameters can be specified such as height-adjustable, barrier-free etc.