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Our car pool management software can do much more than just manage vehicles

vysoft Fuhrpark Management Software

Comprehensive car pool management of pool and company cars, secure management of driver data with driving license control, leasing contracts, costs and consumption data with vysoft FMS

Keep moving at all times: With the vysoft car pool management software you can manage your vehicles and your driver information in an optimum way. Reservations and approval procedures are speeded up using automated processes, and workflows are simplified and made more efficient. The solution is adapted to your car pool and its procedures, and customised functions can be easily added.

Get in touch
  • +49 (0)89 - 700 744 070

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Get some information!

A demo says more than a thousand words. Evaluate our car pool management software without obligation by receiving a demo quickly and easily or using a presentation via web conference.

Car pool management on the computer and the tablet

Modern resource ­booking, seamlessly integrated in your M365 or MS Teams infrastructure

The advantages of using vysoft FMS

Integrate the car pool management perfectly into your Intranet. With the same look & feel as other functionalities, such as room management, time recording, the digital personnel file or any other vysoft solution. The benefit is obvious:

Manage vehicles and their life cycles

Konflikte vermeiden, Aufwand reduzieren

Avoid conflicts, reduce effort

Fahrzeuge auslasten und Kosten reduzieren

Utilise vehicles and reduce costs

Monitor deadlines/ ensure maintenance

Dokumenten Management, Dokumentenverwaltung

Manage driver, vehicle papers and contracts

The most important car pool management functions

  • Management of the entire pool of cars
    and/or commercial vehicles in the form of a digital file

  • All types of use
    Pool vehicles, dedicated pool vehicles, company cars

  • Clear information for each vehicle
    General data, mileage, deadline monitoring, documents & contracts, damage & defects, leasing agreements, costs & fuel cards

  • Graphic usage overview
    Structured display of vehicles and their utilization - in a daily, weekly, monthly or list view

  • Configurable approval procedure 
    Workflow within the context of vehicle reservation

  • Leasing contract management 
    Automated reminder function for the expiry of the leasing contract

  • Vehicle data and service appointment organisation
    Also with an automated reminder function

  • Consumption data management & full costs
    Costs (e.g. fuel bills and repair costs) and usage (mileage driven, operating hours)

  • Digital driver file
    With reminder function for driving license renewal

  • Electronic driving license monitoring
    using NFC/RFID or integrated in the key issue

  • Automated notification functions
    By email

  • Fuel card support
    Management and evaluation of fuel card costs by means of CSV import and automatic vehicle assignment

  • Interfaces
    to financial accounting/ cost accounting

  • Workflow & Task Management

  • E-mail service
    MS Outlook integration

  • MS Office integration

  • Extensive evaluation functionality
    E.g. for utilization or consumption

  • Flexible hosting 
    The application can be operated on the Intranet or in the cloud

  • Single Sign On
    Connection to the corporate directory (Active Directory)

Essential activities supported by our car pool management software solution

Kalenderansicht für die Fahrzeugbuchung

Book vehicles

You can carry out any kind of vehicle booking both easily and efficiently. The calendar view includes a day, week, month or list view

Fahrzeuge nach Kriterien filtern, z.B. Fahrzeugtyp

Intelligent vehicle search

After specifying the required criteria (e.g. vehicle model or equipment options), the vehicles which fulfil the requirements and are available on the relevant date are listed

Genehmigungsverfahren für die Fahrzeugbuchung

Approve bookings

Configurable approval procedures

Schlüsselübergabe und Farhzeugpapiere

Organise key and vehicle registration document handover

In the integrated key cabinet, after booking has taken place

Fahrerstammdaten verwalten

Manage driver master data

General master data, administrative offences, documents, e-mails, damage

Führerscheinkontrolle gemäß § 21 StVG

Check driving licenses

Electronic driving license check using NFC and driving license labels (self-adhesive RFID chips)

Handy App für iOS und Android, Kilometerstand und Führerscheinkontrolle

Record mileage and driving license check by mobile phone

Mobile app for iOS and Android

Dienstplan erstellen

Produce rosters

Calendar view per driver

Fahrzeug Wartung

Ensure vehicle maintenance

With reminder function when maintenance is due

Standorte, Einrichtungen administrieren

Manage locations

Automated ordering process with configurable workflow

Unfallschäden und Mängel verwalten

Manage damage and defects

In connection with the digital vehicle and driver file

Standorte, Einrichtungen administrieren

Document violations

In connection with the digital driver file

Standorte, Einrichtungen administrieren

Log trips/bookings

With complete history

Dokumenten Management mit Volltextsuche

Document storage & document management with full-text search

In the form of attachments, each within in the context of vehicles, drivers or trips, for example

Fahrerstammdaten verwalten

Produce evaluations

Utilisation, costs per department and vehicle, bookings during the period etc., standardised or ad hoc

Have we awakened your interest?

Give us a call: +49(89) 700 744 070
or send a request
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